Navigation Plugin

Eleventy provides a plugin that implements page navigation. To install the navigation plugin, install it as follows:

npm install -D @11ty/eleventy-navigation

Then register it in .eleventy.js as follows:

const navigationPlugin = require('@11ty/eleventy-navigation');

module.exports = eleventyConfig => {

Specify documents that should be included in the navigation by adding the following front matter to each of them:

key: My Page Title

To use a different value for the rendered title than the key, add a title property as follows:

key: myPageKey
title: My Page Title

To use an ordering other than creation timestamp from oldest to newest, add an order property to the documents as follows where lower numbers come before higher:

key: My Page Title
order: 7
If `order` is set to zero, the document will not be added to the site.

If a document should appear as a child of another in the navigation, add a parent property as follows:

key: My Page Title
parent: myParentKey

To add a navigation link to a page that is not part of the Eleventy site, create a document containing only front matter, and add a url and permalink properties as follows. Setting permalink to false prevents Eleventy from creating a file for this in the output directory (typically _site).

key: Eleventy
permalink: false

To render navigation links for the pages using Nunjucks, add the following in a layout file:

collections.all |
eleventyNavigation |
eleventyNavigationToHtml |

This looks for eleventyNavigation front matter in all documents. To restrict this to a subset of the documents, use a collection other than "all".

To get only the links that are descendants of a given parent key, pass the parent key to the eleventyNavigation filter as follows:

collections.all |
eleventyNavigation('myParentKey') |
eleventyNavigationToHtml |

To render breadcrumbs to the key of the currently selected document:

{% set crumbs = collections.all | eleventyNavigationBreadcrumb(eleventyNavigation.key) %}
{% for crumb in crumbs %}
<a class="crumb" href="{{ crumb.url | url }}">{{ crumb.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

To customize how the links are rendered, use custom markup instead of eleventyNavigationHtml. This can associated custom CSS classes with rendered elements to support custom styling. For example, we can style the link for the currently selected page to be a different color than the others:

{% set navPages = collections.all | eleventyNavigation %}
{% for entry in navPages %}
<li{% if entry.url == page.url %} class="active"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ entry.url | url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

To add descriptive text to links, add the excerpt property in document front matter. To render this when using eleventyNavigationToHtml pass the showExcerpt option as follows:

collections.all |
eleventyNavigation |
eleventyNavigationToHtml({ showExcerpt: true }) |

This adds colon and the excerpt text after each navigation link that has an excerpt value.

To display excerpt values in a different way, use a for loop to iterate over the navigation entry and render entry.excerpt any way you like.

For more details, see Navigation Plugin.