Svelte Material UI (SMUI)


Svelte Material UI (SMUI) is a library of Svelte components that implement Material UI. It is implemented in TypeScript and uses Sass for style theme files.

For a list of supported components, click the link above and see the list in the left nav.

The creator of SMUI, Hunter Perrin, created a great video detailing how to get started using this library on YouTube.


To install it in a Svelte project:

  1. cd to the project root directory.

  2. Install the individual components that will be used. For example, npm install -D @smui/button.

  3. Install smui-theme with npm install -D smui-theme.

  4. Create theme files by entering npx smui-theme template src/theme. This creates src/theme/_smui-theme.scss and src/theme/dark/_smui-theme.scss. To change the theme, including colors, modify these files.

  5. Add the following scripts in package.json:

    "smui-dark": "smui-theme compile static/smui-dark.css -i src/theme/dark",
    "smui-light": "smui-theme compile static/smui-light.css -i src/theme",
    "theme": "npm run smui-light && npm run smui-dark",
  6. Enter npm run theme to generate CSS files in the static directory. THIS IS CRITICAL! Repeat this every time a theme file is modified or a new SMUI component is installed.

  7. Edit src/app.html and add the following lines before %svelte.head%:




    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/smui-light.css" />


To customize theme colors:

Top App Bar

To add a top app bar:

Light/Dark Modes

To add the ability to toggle between light and dark mode, change src/routes/__layout.svelte to the following:

<script lang="ts">
import {onMount} from 'svelte';
import type {TopAppBarComponentDev} from '@smui/top-app-bar';
import TopAppBar, {Row, Section, Title, AutoAdjust} from '@smui/top-app-bar';
import IconButton from '@smui/icon-button';

let darkTheme: boolean;
let topAppBar: TopAppBarComponentDev;

$: modeLabel = `switch to ${darkTheme ? 'light' : 'dark'} mode`;

// This icon represents the mode to which the user can switch.
$: modeIcon = darkTheme ? 'light_mode' : 'dark_mode';

onMount(() => {
darkTheme = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;

const toggleMode = () => (darkTheme = !darkTheme);

{#if darkTheme === undefined}
media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"

media="screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)"

{:else if darkTheme}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/smui-light.css" media="print" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/smui-dark.css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/smui-light.css" />

<TopAppBar bind:this="{topAppBar}" variant="standard">
<IconButton class="material-icons">menu</IconButton>
<section align="end" toolbar>

<AutoAdjust {topAppBar}>
<slot />

The code above uses Material Icons.

Example Component

Here's an example of using the Button and Switch components in a Svelte component.

app screenshot

import Button from '@smui/button';
import Switch from '@smui/switch';

let clicked = 0;
let likeIceCream = false;

<Button on:click={() => clicked++}>Click Me</Button>
<p>clicked = {clicked}</p>

<Switch bind:checked={likeIceCream} />
<span>Do you like ice cream?</span>
<p>likeIceCream = {likeIceCream}</p>