package com.ociweb.bsf; import*; import org.apache.bsf.BSFException; import org.apache.bsf.BSFManager; /** * This class provides methods that make it easier to * use the BSF to work with JRuby code. * jruby.jar and bsf.jar must be in the classpath. */ public class BSFHelper { private static final String LANGUAGE = "ruby"; private static final int COLUMN_NO = -1; private static final int LINE_NO = -1; private BSFManager manager; public BSFHelper() { // Register the JRuby engine with BSF. String engine = "org.jruby.javasupport.bsf.JRubyEngine"; String[] extensions = {"rb"}; BSFManager.registerScriptingEngine(LANGUAGE, engine, extensions); manager = new BSFManager(); } /** * Declares a global variable that Ruby code can use * to access a given Java object. */ public void declareBean(String name, Object bean) throws BSFException { manager.declareBean(name, bean, bean.getClass()); } /** * Evaluates a Ruby expression and returns its value. */ public Object evalExpression(String expression) throws BSFException { String source = "(java)"; return manager.eval(LANGUAGE, source, LINE_NO, COLUMN_NO, expression); } /** * Evaluates a file of Ruby code and * returns the value of the last expression. */ public Object evalFile(String rubyFilePath) throws BSFException, IOException { String source = rubyFilePath; String expression = readFile(rubyFilePath); return manager.eval( LANGUAGE, source, LINE_NO, COLUMN_NO, expression); } /** * Executes a file of Ruby code. */ public void execExpression(String expression) throws BSFException { String source = "(java)"; manager.exec(LANGUAGE, source, LINE_NO, COLUMN_NO, expression); } /** * Executes a file of Ruby code. */ public void execFile(String rubyFilePath) throws BSFException, IOException { String source = rubyFilePath; String expression = readFile(rubyFilePath); manager.exec(LANGUAGE, source, LINE_NO, COLUMN_NO, expression); } /** * Reads the entire content of a given file into a String and returns it. */ private static String readFile(String filePath) throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(filePath); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String content = ""; while (true) { String line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; content += line + '\n'; } return content; } }
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