Ant Targets

Default target:

 test               runs all JUnit tests

Main targets:

 byteDump           runs ByteDump on a file; useful for .box files
 clean              deletes all generated files
 cleanTestLogs      deletes generated JUnit log files
 compile            compiles Java source files
 compileC           compiles C source files using gcc
 domwriter          exercises Xerces DOMWriter to generate canonical XML
 file               runs test.file.BOXFile demo application
 floppy             copies the zip file to a floppy
 jar                creates a JAR containing on the files needed by BOX clients
 javadoc            generates javadoc from all .java files
 prepare            creates output directories
 releaseZip         releases files to SourceForge
 socket             runs BOX and XML socket tests
 test               runs all JUnit tests
 testC              runs all JUnit tests that exercise C code
 verifyAntOptional  verifies that Ant's optional.jar can be found
 verifyFile         verifies that the file property is set
 verifyGCC          verifies that gcc can be found
 verifyJUnit        verifies that JUnit can be found
 verifyJikes        verifies that Jikes can be found
 verifyXalan        verifies that Xalan can be found
 verifyXerces       verifies that Xerces can be found
 zip                zips all necessary project files
 zipSite            zips web site files

