User's Guide

Here's a list of what must be in your CLASSPATH.

BOX Details

See example.

Usage Code Examples

To encode a DOM document into BOX,

Document doc = ...;
OutputStream os = ...;
boolean useASCII = true or false;
boolean trimWhitespace = true or false;
BOXDOMEncoder encoder = new BOXDOMEncoderImpl();
encoder.encode(doc, os, useASCII, trimWhitespace);

To decode BOX into a DOM document,

InputStream is = ...;
BOXDOMDecoder decoder = new BOXDOMDecoderImpl();
Document doc = decoder.decode(is);

To decode BOX into a series of SAX events,

InputStream is = ...;
ContentHandler contentHandler = ...;
LexicalHandler lexicalHandler = ...;
BOXSAXDecoder decoder = new BOXSAXDecoderImpl();
Document doc = decoder.decode(is, contentHandler, lexicalHandler);

The ContentHandler is required. The Lexical Handler can be null if you do not wish to process comments.

To encode BOX without a DOM Document,

OutputStream os = ...;
boolean useASCII = true or false;
boolean trimWhitespace = true or false;
BOXEmitter be = new BOXEmitter(os, useASCII, trimWhitespace);

// Now make lots of calls like the following.
be.emitProcessingInstruction(target, value);
be.emitNamespaceDeclaration(prefix, uri);

Make sure that emitNamespaceDeclaration and emitAttribute are called before calling emitElementStart for the element to which they belong!