Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Feedback and corrections are welcomed! Email mark at ociweb dot com.


Who is using it?
Creating a New Project
Implementing a New Project
Deploying and Using Ant
Formatting With CSS
Server Calls
Error Handling
JavaScript from Java
Client-side XML Processing
Custom Widgets
Creating Reusable Modules


GWT is a Java-based framework for creating Ajax web applications that makes writing web applications similar to writing Swing applications. Documentation can be found at the main web site, in the developer guide, and in the class documentation.

The main benefits of using GWT over other web app. frameworks are:

Client-side code is primarily written using a subset of Java. The subset includes selected classes from the java.lang and java.util packages. For example, reflection methods are not supported. To get the type of an object as a String, use GWT.getTypeName(object). Java 5 features such as generics and enums can be used in GWT 2.0. For details on the supported subset, see here.

The client-side code is "compiled" into HTML and JavaScript. A downside of this is that third party Java libraries cannot be used from client-side Java code unless their source code is available to the GWT compiler and only uses the supported subset of Java. An upside of this is that it dramatically reduces the need to learn HTML and JavaScript, although if needed, JavaScript code can be wrapped in Java methods. This allows JavaScript libraries such as to be used. The use of CSS for formatting (fonts, colors, sizes, ../) is still encouraged.

Internationalization of text is supported through two mechanisms. The first uses custom interfaces that extend the Messages interface to insert property file values into generated JavaScript. The second uses the GWT Dictionary class to obtain text values from JavaScript maps embedded in HTML.

Server-side code can be written using practically any programming language. When written in Java, it is typical to implement server-side functionality using servlets. All features of Java can be used on the server-side, including Java 5 features. This means that common Java server-side technologies such as EJBs, Hibernate, JDBC and Spring can be used.

A benefit of the GWT approach is that web applications are easier to maintain. This is due to the notion that maintaining Java code is easier than maintaining a mixture of Java, HTML and JavaScript code.

IDE integration simplifies debugging. It can also provides some code generation that greatly simplifies creating GWT RPC services. For information about IDEA integration, see the GWT Studio plugin. For information about Eclispe integration, see the Googlipse plugin. Another Eclipse plugin for GWT is GWT Designer. This is a commercial tool that offers visual GUI creation and two-way synchronization between the GUI design tool and the code. Prices start at $39 per year.

Who's Using It?

Here's a list of some of the web sites that are using GWT.

Installing top

Here are the steps to install GWT.

  1. Verify that a Java SDK (1.4 or higher) is installed. This can be done by running java -version from a shell/command prompt.
  2. Browse to the GWT web site.
  3. Click the "Download Google Web Toolkit (GWT)" link.
  4. Download a platform-specific archive/zip file for a selected version.
  5. Unpackage the archive/zip file to a selected directory.
  6. Set the environment variable GWT_HOME to the path to the unpackaged GWT directory.

If you'd like to build the very latest version of GWT from the source code in the trunk of the Subversion repository, follow the steps here. After the Ant build completes, there will be a trunk/build/staging/gwt-{platform}-0.0.0 directory. That will contain all the JAR and native libraries files needed by GWT. Set the GWT_HOME environment variable to point to this directory.

Creating a new project top

Here are the steps to create a new GWT project.

  1. Create a directory for the application.
  2. From a shell or command prompt, navigate to that directory.
  3. Use the applicationCreator script to create the project directory structure and populate it with initial project files.
    Under Windows, run %GWT_HOME%\applicationcreator {package}.client.{app-name}
    Under UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X, run $GWT_HOME/applicationcreator {package}.client.{app-name}

Implementing a new project top

The initial files to be edited for a new project are the main HTML file and the main Java file.
The main HTML file is src/{package-dirs}/public/{app-name}.html.
The main Java file is src/{package-dirs}/client/{app-name}.java.

Here's an example of a minimal HTML file.

<html> <head> <title>{title}</title> <meta name="gwt:module" content="{package}.{app-name}"> </head> <body> <script language="javascript" src="gwt.js"></script> <!-- OPTIONAL: include this if history support is desired --> <iframe id="__gwt_historyFrame" style="width:0;height:0;border:0"></iframe> </body> </html>

Here's an example of a minimal Java file. Note how the imports below differ from those in the generated source file.

package com.ociweb.demo.client; import; import*; public class {app-name} implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { final TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); textBox.setText("text box"); final Button button = new Button("Click me"); button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { textBox.setText("clicked"); } }); Panel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.add(textBox); panel.add(button); RootPanel.get().add(panel); } }

A GWT application is referred to as a "module". The module is defined in the XML file src/{package-dirs}/{app-name}.gwt.xml. For most applications, this file doesn't require modification.

Internationalization top

Here are the steps to internationalize strings for the default locale in the client side of a GWT project.

  1. Create a property file, perhaps named or, that will hold the strings for the default locale. Constants are just static strings. For example,
    homeTeamWon=The home team won.

    Messages allow values to be inserted using numbered parameters starting from zero. For example,

    homeTeamWon=The home team won by a score of {0} to {1}.
  2. Add properties to this file whose values will be displayed in the GUI.
  3. Create an interface named MyConstants or MyMessages.
  4. Make the interface extend or or .
  5. For each property in the property file, add a method to the interface that has the same name, takes the correct number of arguments (zero for constants, possibly greater than zero for messages), and a return type of String.
  6. Add the following line to the module XML.
    <inherits name=""/>
  7. Add one of the following lines of code to entry point Java class.
    MyConstants constants = (MyConstants) GWT.create(MyConstants.class); MyMessages messages = (MyMessages) GWT.create(MyMessages.class);
  8. To get all text displayed in the GUI, use one of the following lines.
    String constant = constants.{property-name}(); String message = messages.{property-name}({parameter-list});

Here are the steps to add support for locales other than the default.

  1. Add the following line to the module XML.
    <extend-property name="locale" values="{comma-separated-language-codes}"/>

    For example, to add support for French and Spanish, set the values attribute to "fr,es".

  2. Create a new property file for each additional language named MyConstants_{language-code}.properities or MyMessages_{language-code}.properities in the same directory as the previous property file. Each file should define the same property names and values set to the appropriate language-specific translation.

To display the GUI in another language, add "?locale={language-code}" to the end of the web app. URL in the browser.

Here are suggested steps to internationalize strings in a GWT service.

  1. Add a locale property to each property file. In the file for the default locale, add the following line.

    In the files for other locales, add the following line.


    This is a trick recommended by Adam Tacy to allow client-side code to determine the current locale. It works because only the property file associated with the current locale gets loaded by the GWT.create method.

  2. Add a locale method to the MyConstants interface that has no arguments and has a return type of String.
  3. Add a setLocale method to each remote service that requires the locale.
  4. In the client-side code, obtain the locale with the following line.
    String locale = constants.locale();
  5. In the client-side code, pass the locale to the setLocale method of each remote service that requires it.
  6. In each service that requires internationalization,

Here is the code for the PropertyUtil class which is only needed for server-side internationalization. It maintains a Hash of ResourceBundles so that it can provide translations for multiple languages.

package com.ociweb.util; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.*; public class PropertyUtil { private Map<String, ResourceBundle> bundles = new HashMap<String, ResourceBundle>(); private String propertyFileName; public PropertyUtil(String propertyFileName) throws IOException { this.propertyFileName = propertyFileName; } private ResourceBundle getBundle(String locale) { ResourceBundle bundle = bundles.get(locale); if (bundle == null) { bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( propertyFileName, new Locale(locale)); bundles.put(locale, bundle); } return bundle; } public String getProperty(String name) { String locale = System.getProperty("locale"); return getBundle(locale).getString(name); } }

Running top

The easiest way to run a GWT application is to run it in "hosted mode". In this mode, a special browser is used to display and exercise the user interface. To run the application in hosted mode, perform the following steps.

  1. From a shell or command prompt, navigate to the application directory.
  2. Run the {app-name}-shell script. This compiles the client-side code, starts the hosted mode browser, and runs the application inside it.

Once the hosted mode browser is running, changes to client-side Java code (made in any editor) can be tested by simply clicking the refresh button in the browser. No separate compiling or deploying is required! This allows quick testing of CSS and widget layout changes. However, changes to server code still require recompiling and redeploying.

Testing top

Unit testing is supported through integration with JUnit. An example on the GWT website is here. This demonstrates using the JUnit 3 API. The JUnit 4 API is not supported yet.

GWT provides a script to generate unit test source files and scripts to run the tests. Here's an example of using it.

$GWT_HOME/junitCreator -junit $JAVA_DIR/JUnit/junit3.8.2/junit.jar \ -module com.ociweb.gwt.Hello -out tests com.ociweb.gwt.client.HelloTest

Here are the steps to implement a JUnit test for a GWT application.

  1. Add the JUnit 3 junit.jar file to the classpath.
  2. Add the following line to the *.gwt.xml module XML file.
    <inherits name=""/>
  3. Create a class that extends
  4. Implement the getModuleName method that returns the fully-qualified name of the module being tested as a String.
  5. Implement test methods that perform asserts.

Some of the things that test methods can do include the following.

As an example, suppose we have a GWT application with the following functionality.

All of this is implemented in the class com.ociweb.gwt.Hello. This class has package-level fields for each widget that needs to be accessed from the test code. A test for this functionality could look like the following.

package com.ociweb.gwt.client; import; import; /** * Note: If a GWT hosted mode browser is already running, * even for a different GWT application, this test will fail with * java.lang.IllegalStateException: Embedded Tomcat is already running. */ public class GreeterTest extends GWTTestCase { private static final String NAME = "John Doe"; // Entry point class of the GWT application being tested. private Hello hello; public String getModuleName() { return "com.ociweb.gwt.Hello"; } // GWTTestCase has it's own setUp method // that initializes the GWT infrastucture. // You cannot do anything in your own setUp method that involves GWT widgets. private void widgetSetup() { // Build the web GUI. hello = new Hello(); hello.onModuleLoad(); } public void testClear() { widgetSetup(); hello.nameTextBox.setText(NAME); assertEquals(NAME, hello.nameTextBox.getText());; assertEquals("", hello.nameTextBox.getText()); } public void testGreet() { widgetSetup(); hello.nameTextBox.setText(NAME);; // simulate button click // The "Greet" button has a ClickListener that // invokes an RPC service method and registers an AsyncListener. // When the service method returns its result to the AsyncListener, // the AsyncListener will update the text in greetLabel. // Wait long enough (200 milliseconds) for that to happen // before testing the text in greetLabel. Timer timer = new Timer() { public void run() { String text = hello.greetLabel.getText(); assertEquals("Hello " + NAME + "!", text); finishTest(); } }; timer.schedule(200); // Since this test involves asynchronous code // (the RPC service method call), notify the GWTTestCase framework // that it needs to give this method some time before it // considers this test method to be finished. // Asserts must be run and finishTest() must be called // before the time expires or this test method will fail. // The Timer run method above will have 100 milliseconds (300 - 200) // to do that. delayTestFinish(300); } }

To run the tests, use a standard JUnit test runner. See the "test" target in the Ant build file below.

Deploying and Using Ant top

To deploy a GWT application to an app. server so it can be run outside hosted mode, perform the following actions, all of which can be automated with Ant.

  1. Compile the server-side Java code you've written using a standard Java compiler.

  2. Compile the client-side Java code you've written into HTML and JavaScript using the GWTCompiler. This can be done from Ant or from a shell/command prompt. To compile from a shell/command prompt, navigate to the application directory and run the {app-name}-compile script

    By default, the JavaScript code is generated in "obfuscate" mode which results in smaller files. Another supported mode is "pretty" which makes the files readable, but larger. The last mode is "detailed" which is like "pretty", but adds more verbose names to assist with tracing JavaScript functions back to methods in specific Java classes. To specify the mode that the GWT compiler should use, run the compile script with the -style=OBF|PRETTY|DETAILED option.

    The compiler generates a separate JavaScript file for each supported browser. The correct JavaScript file is automatically downloaded to the requesting browser by the "bootstrap script". This reduces the amount of JavaScript code that must be downloaded since only code applicable to that browser is downloaded.

  3. Bundle all the bytecode, generated HTML/JavaScript, and CSS, along with the supplied gwt-servlet.jar in a WAR file.

  4. Deploy the WAR file to a J2EE server such as Tomcat or JBoss.

Once the application is deployed, it can be run from a web browser by visiting http://{server}:{port}/{package}/{app-name}.html. To shorten the URL, see here.

Here's an example of an Ant file that is used by build.xml. For many applications, only the values of module and package need to be changed.

gwt.dir={path-to-gwt} junit.dir={path-to-junit3} junit.jar=${junit.dir}/junit.jar tomcat.dir={path-to-tomcat} servlet-api.jar=${tomcat.dir}/common/lib/servlet-api.jar module={module} package={package} test=* url=http://localhost:8080/${}/${package}.${module}/${module}.html war=${}.war

Here's an example of an Ant build.xml file that builds and deploys a GWT application. For many applications, only the name attribute of the root element project needs to be changed.

It expects to find a web.xml file in the same directory. That is described here. If no RPC services (more on these later) are needed, the servlet and servlet-mapping tags can be omitted.

Since the default target is deploy, it can be run by simply running the command ant. It will output a URL that can be copied and pasted into a web browser to run the web app.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="{module}" default="deploy" basedir="."> <property environment="env"/> <property file=""/> <path id="classpath"> <pathelement location="build"/> <pathelement location="src"/> <pathelement location="${gwt.dir}/gwt-user.jar"/> <!-- next line is platform-specific --> <pathelement location="${gwt.dir}/gwt-dev-mac.jar"/> <pathelement location="${gwt.dir}/gwt-servlet.jar"/> <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/> <pathelement location="${servlet-api.jar}"/> </path> <target name="clean" depends="clean.test" description="deletes all generated files"> <delete dir=".gwt-cache"/> <!-- generated by GWT --> <delete dir="build"/> <!-- generated by the prepare target --> <delete dir="tomcat"/> <!-- generated by GWT --> </target> <target name="clean.test" description="deletes all generated test files"> <delete dir="test"/> </target> <target name="compile" depends="prepare" description="compiles Java source files to bytecode"> <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build" classpathref="classpath" debug="true"> </javac> </target> <target name="compile.gwt" depends="compile" description="compiles Java source files to JavaScript"> <!-- Consider adding -Xms256m -Xmx512m to improve performance. --> <java classname="" classpathref="classpath" fork="true"> <arg line="-out build/www"/> <arg line="-style OBFUSCATE"/> <arg value="${package}.${module}"/> </java> </target> <target name="deploy" depends="war,undeploy" description="deploys the war file to Tomcat"> <copy file="build/${war}" todir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps"/> <echo>browse ${url}</echo> </target> <target name="hosted" depends="compile" description="runs the application in hosted mode"> <java classname="" classpathref="classpath" fork="true"> <!-- next line is only for Mac OS X --> <jvmarg value="-XstartOnFirstThread"/> <arg line="-out ./www"/> <arg line="${package}.${module}/${module}.html"/> </java> </target> <target name="prepare" description="creates output directories"> <mkdir dir="build"/> </target> <target name="test" depends="clean.test,compile" description="runs all JUnit tests"> <mkdir dir="test"/> <junit fork="yes" printsummary="yes"> <!-- next line is only for Mac OS X --> <jvmarg value="-XstartOnFirstThread"/> <classpath refid="classpath"/> <batchtest todir="test"> <fileset dir="src" includes="**/${test}"/> </batchtest> <formatter type="xml"/> </junit> <junitreport toDir="test"> <fileset dir="test"/> <report format="frames" todir="test"/> </junitreport> <exec os="Windows" executable="cmd.exe"> <arg line="/c start test/index.html"/> </exec> <exec os="Mac OS X" executable="open"> <arg line="-a /Applications/ test/index.html"/> </exec> </target> <target name="undeploy" description="undeploys the web app. from Tomcat"> <delete dir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/${}"/> <delete file="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/${war}"/> </target> <target name="war" depends="compile, compile.gwt" description="builds the war file"> <delete file="build/${war}"/> <war warfile="build/${war}" webxml="web.xml"> <!-- bytecode from your Java code --> <classes dir="build" includes="**/*.class"/> <!-- generated HTML/JavaScript plus your CSS --> <fileset dir="build/www"/> <!-- supplied JAR --> <lib file="${gwt.dir}/gwt-servlet.jar"/> </war> </target> </project>

Formatting With CSS top

GWT encourages formatting with CSS. All widgets support the methods addStyleName (adds to existing list of styles for the widget) and setStyleName (replaces existing list of styles for the widget). To specify formatting for each style name, add a CSS stylesheet file (.css) to the src/{package-dirs}/public directory and add the following line to the module XML in src/{package-dirs}/{app-name}.gwt.xml.

<stylesheet src="{name}.css"/>

A good source of information about CSS formatting with GWT is here. Also, see KitchenSink.css in the KitchenSink sample application included with GWT.

The mouse cursor can be changed through CSS. Many cursor shapes are supported. Commonly used cursors include "default" (normal arrow), "pointer" (hand with a pointing finger), and "wait" (hourglass). The "pointer" cursor is typically used the mouse is over a widget that the use is allowed to select. The "wait" cursor is typically used when a server call has been made and the GUI will be updated when the call completes.

Widgets top

GWT currently provides the following user interface widgets. Additional, non-Google-supplied widgets are also available. Concrete classes have a green background. Abstract classes have a red background.

Widget Name Description Superclass Default CSS Classes Listeners
Button push-button ButtonBase gwt-Button none
ButtonBase superclass of Button and CheckBox FocusWidget none none
CheckBox check box ButtonBase gwt-CheckBox none
Composite widget that wraps other widgets contained in a Panel; useful for creating new widgets Widget none none
FileUpload wraps an HTML <input type="file"> Widget none none
FocusWidget superclass of ButtonBase, ListBox and TextBoxBase Widget none ClickListener, FocusListener, KeyboardListener
Hidden represents a hidden field in an HTML form Widget none none
HTML contains arbitrary HTML Label gwt-HTML none
Hyperlink internal hyperlink Widget gwt-Hyperlink ClickListener
Image displays an image at a given URL Widget gwt-Image ClickListener, LoadListener, MouseListener
Label displays non-HTML text Widget gwt-Label ClickListener, MouseListener
ListBox presents a list of choices as a list box or drop-down list FocusWidget gwt-ListBox ChangeListener
MenuBar menu bar that holds other MenuBar objects and MenuItem objects Widget gwt-MenuBar none
MenuItem item placed in a MenuBar; when clicked, fires a Command or opens a submenu UIObject gwt-MenuItem none
PasswordTextBox single-line text box that masks input TextBoxBase gwt-PasswordTextBox none
RadioButton mutually-exclusive selection radio button CheckBox gwt-RadioButton none
TabBar horizontal bar of folder-style tabs often used by TabPanel Composite gwt-TabBar
gwt-TabBarRest gwt-TabBarItem
TextArea multi-line text box TextBoxBase gwt-TextArea none
TextBox single-line text box TextBoxBase gwt-TextBox none
TextBoxBase superclass of PasswordTextBox, TextArea and TextBox FocusWidget none ChangeListener, ClickListener, KeyboardListener
Tree hierachical tree of TreeItems Widget gwt-Tree FocusListener, KeyboardListener, MouseListener, TreeListener
TreeItem item in a Tree UIObject gwt-TreeItem, gwt-TreeItem-selected none; use TreeListener on containing Tree
UIObject superclass of MenuItem, TreeItem, Widget java.lang.Object none none
Widget superclass of Composite, FileUpload, FocusWidget, Frame, Hidden, Hyperlink, Image, Label, MenuBar, Panel, and Tree UIObject none none

Containers top

GWT currently provides the following containers for laying out widgets. Additional, non-Google-supplied containers are also available.

Container Name Description Superclass Default CSS Classes
AbsolutePanel positions child widgets absolutely, allowing overlap ComplexPanel none
CellPanel child widgets are placed in table cells ComplexPanel none
ComplexPanel abstract bse class for panels that contain multiple child widgets Panel none
DeckPanel displays child widgets in a deck where only one at a time is visible ComplexPanel none
DialogBox a separate window that has a caption area and can be dragged PopupPanel gwt-DialogBox
DockPanel child widgets are docked at outer edges or in the remaining center area CellPanel none
FlexTable flexible table that creates cells on demand HTMLTable none
FlowPanel child widgets using default HTML layout which means that each line contains as many widgets as will fit ComplexPanel none
FocusPanel makes content focusable and allows catching mouse and keyboard events (useful for drag-n-drop) SimplePanel none
FormPanel wraps content in an HTML <form> element SimplePanel none
Frame creates an <iframe> that contains an given website Widget gwt-Frame (implemented?)
Grid grid containing text, HTML or widgets; number of rows/columns must be specified; simpler alternative to FlexTable HTMLTable none
HorizontalPanel lays out child widgets in a single row CellPanel none
HTMLPanel contains HTML that can attach child widgets to specific elements insside the HTML ComplexPanel none
HTMLTable superclass of FlexTable and Grid; supports TableListener Panel none
NamedFrame a Frame that has a name Frame none
Panel abstract superclass of all panels which are widgets that contain others Widget none
PopupPanel a panel that can popup over other widgets; supports PopupListener SimplePanel none
RootPanel the panel to which all others must ultimately be added AbsolutePanel
ScrollPanel a panel whose content is scrollable SimplePanel none
SimplePanel abstract superclass for all panels that contain only one widget; call setWidget to specify it Panel none
StackPanel panel that stacks child widgets vertically and displays only one at a time, with a header for each child that the user clicks to display the associated widget ComplexPanel gwt-StackPanel
TabPanel a panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each containing another widget Composite gwt-TabBar
VerticalPanel lays out child widgets in a single column CellPanel none

Listeners/Adapters top

Listener interfaces define methods that are invoked on objects that implement them when certain events occur. Adapter classes make it easier to implement listener interfaces by providing method implementations that do nothing, saving you the trouble of writing them.

Name Superinterface Adapter Methods
ChangeListener EventListener none void onChange(Widget sender)
ClickListener EventListener none void onClick(Widget sender)
EventListener none none none; a marker interface
FocusListener EventListener FocusListenerAdapter void onFocus(Widget sender)
void onLostFocus(Widget sender)
KeyboardListener EventListener KeyboardListenerAdapter void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)
void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)
void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)
LoadListener none none void onError(Widget sender)
void onLoad(Widget sender)
MouseListener EventListener MouseListenerAdapter void onMouseDown(Widget sender, int x, int y)
void onMouseEnter(Widget sender)
void onMouseLeave(Widget sender)
void onMouseMove(Widget sender, int x, int y)
void onMouseUp(Widget sender, int x, inty)
PopupListener EventListener none void onPopupClosed(PopupPanel sender, boolean autoClosed)
ScrollListener EventListener none void onScroll(Widget sender, int scrollLeft, int scrollTop)
TableListener none none void onCellClicked(SourcedTableEvents sender, int row, int cell)
TabListener EventListener none void onBeforeTabSelected(SourcesTabEvents sender, int tabIndex)
void onTabSelected(SourcesTabEvents sender, int tabIndex)
TreeListener EventListener none void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item)
void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item)

Server Calls top

GWT supports four methods for client-side code to invoke server-side functionality. These options are described below. Regardless of the option selected, it's important to let the user know when background processing that may update the GUI is taking place. Typical ways to do this include displaying an animated GIF image in a standard screen location, changing the cursor to an hourglass (wait), or both.

HTML forms

This option is not described further here.


This option is not described further here.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

This is a form of object serialization that is useful when working with non-Java services. By default, only a limited number of object types can be passed using this mechanism. They include arrays, maps, numbers, strings and booleans. Note that JSON does not support circular references between objects. For more information, see the class reference and the JSON example project.


This approach utilizes Java servlets that extend the GWT RemoteServiceServlet class. An alternative approach based on Spring is described here. Any Java object that implements the GWT IsSerializable interface AND has a no-arg constructor can be passed using this method. This is just a marker interface. No additional methods need to be implemented. Many of the GWT versions of standard Java classes, such as the java.util Map and List classes, do this.

The steps to implement a service are:

  1. Create a service interface that extends under src/{package-dirs}/client. For example,
    package {package}.client; import; public interface MyService extends RemoteService { public MyType3 doSomething(MyType1 p1, MyType2 p2); }
  2. Create an asynchronous service interface that extends nothing under src/{package-dirs}/client. The methods in this interface should return void and have the same arguments as the service interface with an additional last argument of the type For example,
    package {package}.client; import; public interface MyServiceAsync { public void doSomething(MyType1 p1, MyType2 p2, AsyncCallback callback); }
  3. Create a server directory under src/{package-dirs} if it doesn't already exist.
  4. Create a service implementation servlet that extends and implements the service interface under src/{package-dirs}/server. For example,
    package {package}.server; import; import {package}.client.MyService; public class MyServlet extends RemoteServiceServlet implements MyService { // This is required because HttpServlet implements Serializable. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public MyServlet() { // Put any needed initialization code here. } public MyType3 doSomething(MyType1 p1, MyType2 p2) { // implement service method here } }
  5. Add a servlet mapping to the module XML file in src/{package-dirs}/{app-name}.gwt.xml. For example,
    <servlet path="/MyServlet" class="{package}.server.MyServlet"/>
  6. Create a web.xml web deployment descriptor file at the top of the project directory and add content like the following.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <servlet> <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>{package}.server.MyServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/{package}.{module}/MyServlet</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>

As described above in the Deploying section above, the servlet can be compiled and deployed using Ant.

The steps to invoke a GWT RPC service from a client are:

  1. Get an instance of the service, cast it to the asychronous interface type, and configure it as a ServiceDefTarget. For example,
    import; import; import; ../ MyServiceAsync myService = (MyServiceAsync) GWT.create(MyService.class); String myURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/MyServlet"; ((ServiceDefTarget myService).setServiceEntryPoint(myURL);
  2. Create an object from a class that implements Often this is done using an anonymous inner class. AsyncCallback requires two methods, onFailure and onSuccess. For example,
    AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable e) { // Put code to handle failures here. } public void onSuccess(Object result) { // Put code to handle success here. // To use the result, cast it to the type of object it is. } };
  3. Invoke service methods by passing a callback object to methods in the asynchronous interface. For example,
    myService.doSomething(p1, p2, callback);

    It is not allowed to pass null for the callback object even if there is nothing that needs to be done on the client-side after the service call completes.

For more information on remote procedure calls, see here.

Error Handling top

If an exception is not caught when running in hosted mode, a stack trace is displayed in the log window. If an exception is not caught when running in a web browser, no stack trace is displayed. To change this default behaviour,

  1. Write a class that implements GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler. This interface only has the following method.
    public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e)
  2. Create an object from this class.
  3. Pass the object to the static method GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler);

A common thing to do in the handler is to display a stack trace in a dialog box. The GWT JRE does not have a StackTraceElement class. A substitute for this is to write a method like the following.

private String printStackTrace(Object[] stackTrace) { String output = ""; for (Object line : stackTrace) { output += line + "<br/>"; } return output; }

To display a stack trace in a dialog box, create HTML to display as follows.

HTML error = new HTML("<pre>" + printStackTrace(throwable.getStackTrace()) + "</pre>");

JavaScript From Java top

JavaScript code can be imbedded in Java code and invoked from Java as if it were a Java method. This is done with the JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI). To do this, a Java method is declared as "native" and the JavaScript code it should run is included in a special comment.

Here's an example.

public native int add(int n1, int n2) /*-{ var sum = n1 + n2; return sum; }-*/;

Here's another example that tests whether a string matches a regular expression. This is useful for validating the content of widgets that allow the user to enter text such as TextBox. The JRE subset supported by GWT doesn't provide this capability, but JavaScript does.

public native static boolean matches(String regExp, String value) /*-{ var pattern = new RegExp(regExp); return != -1; }-*/;

Client-side XML Processing top

GWT provides a Java package for parsing and creating XML using the DOM API. For documentation, see here.

Custom Widgets top

Custom widgets can be implemented by creating a new class that extends an existing widget or extends from Composite. Extending another widget should be avoided if the custom widget should not expose all of the public interface of that widget. When extending from Composite, be sure to call initWidget at the end of the constructor, passing it the outermost panel or a widget.

Creating Reusable Modules top

Custom widgets and other client-side classes and resources (such as images) can be shared between multiple GWT applications. To do so they must be bundled in a JAR. Here are the steps to create such a JAR.

  1. Select a package name for the module, for example, com.ociweb.gwt.
  2. Select a name for the module, for example, OCIWidgets.
  3. Create a module XML file. For the examples given above the file must be named OCIWidgets.gwt.xml and it must be in the src/com/ociweb/gwt directory. This file must inherit other modules on which it depends. For a module that only depends on resources that ship with GWT the following content would suffice.
    <module> <inherits name=""/> </module>
  4. Add a source element for each subdirectory of the module package that contains code to be compiled to JavaScript. If none are provided, a default of "client" is assumed. If any are provided, this default goes away. For example, if the directory "src/com/ociweb/gwt/model" contains such code and the sibling directory "client" does also then the following elements must be added.
    <source path="client"/> <source path="model"/>

    For more detail on the content of module XML files, see here.

  5. Create a JAR that contains The Java files must be their package directory structure. Unless additional configuration is performed, resources such as image files must be in a directory that is named "public" or a directory below one.

Ant can be used to create the JAR. Here's an example target.

<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="creates a module JAR that other GWT applications can use"> <jar destfile="build/${}.jar"> <fileset dir="build/classes"/> <fileset dir="src"/> </jar> </target>

Suppose we want to create a JAR to allow a custom widget named com.ociweb.gwt.client.EmailTextBox to be reused by other GWT applicaitons. The content of the JAR would be as follows.

com/ociweb/gwt/client/EmailTextBox.class com/ociweb/gwt/client/EmailTextBox.class com/ociweb/gwt/OCIWidgets.gwt.xml

Here are the steps to use a JAR containing reusable GWT resources.

  1. Add the JAR to the classpath. How this is done differs based on on whether you are using generated GWT scripts, an IDE, Ant, or some other approach to build and run your application.
  2. Add an inherits tag to your *.gwt.xml module XML file. The value of the name attribute must be the module package name, followed by a ".", followed by the module name. To use the module described above, the following line must be added.
    <inherits name="com.ociweb.gwt.OCIWidgets"/>

Resources top

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