

From Java


ActiveRecord is a persistence library for Ruby. It is closely associated with the Ruby on Rails project. The main features include:

Docmentation can be found in the rdoc (Ruby's version of javadoc)
here. Support for composite primary keys is not provided out of the box, but is provided by a plug-in found here.

While ActiveRecord is a Ruby library, it can be used from Java though JRuby. At the present time, the Java code needed to do this is a bit messy. This is demonstrated later on this page.

Installing top

To install ActiveRecord for use with Ruby, run the following from a shell prompt.

gem install activerecord gem install composite_primary_keys (optional)

To install ActiveRecord for use with JRuby, run the following from a shell prompt.

cd $JRUBY_HOME/bin ./gem install activerecord --no-rdoc --no-ri ./gem install ActiveRecord-JDBC --no-rdoc --no-ri ./gem install composite_primary_keys --no-rdoc --no-ri (optional)

Finally, edit $JRUBY_HOME/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-{version}/lib/active_record.rb and add "jdbc" to the list of RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS near the bottom of the file.

Example top

In this example, we'll run a few queries against a simple database. The database is named "music". It has two tables. The "artists" table has the columns "id" and "name". The "recordings" table has the columns "id", "name", "year" and "artist_id". The id columns are the primary keys of their tables. ActiveRecord prefers this convention, but it can be overridden if desired. The recordings table artist_id column is a foreign key reference to the artists table id column. SQL for creating the database is in the following file named "createTables.sql".

drop database if exists music; create database music; use music; drop table if exists artists; create table artists ( id int not null auto_increment, name text, primary key (id) ); drop table if exists recordings; create table recordings ( id int not null auto_increment, name text, year int, artist_id int, primary key (id) );

When using MySQL, this can be run with a command like the following.

mysql -uroot < createTables.sql

The next step is to describe the objects that will be used to "model" database table rows. Since the code that uses these definitions will also need to connect to the database, we'll put the code to do that in the same file. The following file is named "models.rb".

require "rubygems" require "active_record" ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection( :adapter=>"mysql", :host=>"localhost", :database=>"music", :user=>"root", :password=>"") class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :recording # Sort based on artist name. def <=>(other) name <=> end end class Recording < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :artist # Sort based on recording name. def <=>(other) name <=> end end

Now we need to put some data in the database. The following Ruby code demonstrates how to do this. The methods get_artist and add_recording are used to simplify the process.

require "models" $artists = {} # a global Hash def get_artist(name) a = $artists[name] # If it hasn't been created yet, create it. unless a a = = name $artists[name] = a end a end def add_recording(artist_name, recording_name, recording_year) r = r.artist = get_artist(artist_name) = recording_name r.year = recording_year end name = "Deathcab For Cutie" add_recording name, "We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes", 2000 add_recording name, "The Photo Album", 2001 add_recording name, "You Can Play These Songs With Chords", 2002 add_recording name, "Transatlanticism", 2003 add_recording name, "Plans", 2005 name = "Regina Spektor" add_recording name, "Begin To Hope", 2006 add_recording name, "Soviet Kitch", 2003

Run this code with the following command.

ruby load.rb

We're ready to write queries now. The following Ruby code, in a file named "query.rb", demonstrates a few queries. Examples using find_by_sql are commented out and are immediately followed by equivalent queries.

require "models" puts "Artist with id=2" puts " " + Artist.find(2).name puts "\nAll artists" # Artist.find_by_sql("select * from artists").sort.each do |a| Artist.find(:all).sort.each do |a| puts " #{}" end puts "\n2003 Recordings" # sql = "select * from recordings where year=2003" # Recording.find_by_sql(sql).sort.each do |r| Recording.find_all_by_year(2003).sort.each do |r| puts " #{} by #{}" end

Run this code with the following command.

ruby query.rb

The output from this code follows.

Artist with id=2 Regina Spektor All artists Deathcab For Cutie Regina Spektor 2003 Recordings Soviet Kitch by Regina Spektor Transatlanticism by Deathcab For Cutie

Comparing the ActiveRecord approach to any other persistence API, this approach is MUCH simpler!

From Java top

ActiveRecord can be used from Java through JRuby. Under Java 5 and earlier, Java uses the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) to access scripting languages like JRuby. Under Java 6 and later, Java uses the JSR 223 Scripting API. We'll focus on BSF here. The classes BSFHelper and JRubyHelper were written to make this easier. Here's the code in

package com.ociweb.activerecord; import com.ociweb.bsf.BSFHelper; import com.ociweb.jruby.JRubyHelper; import java.util.*; import org.apache.bsf.BSFException; import org.jruby.*; public class Query { private BSFHelper bsf = new BSFHelper(); private JRubyHelper helper = new JRubyHelper(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new Query(); } private Query() throws BSFException, { System.out.println("\n2003 Recordings"); // Make a Java List available to JRuby code // so it can be populated with the results. List recordings = new ArrayList(); bsf.declareBean("recordings", recordings); // Executed JRuby code in a separate file. bsf.evalFile("2003recordings.jrb"); // Retreive data that Ruby populated into the recordings List. Iterator iter = recordings.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RubyObject recording = (RubyObject); String recordingName = (String) helper.getAttribute(recording, "name"); // Get the Artist object associated with this Recording object. // TODO: What is the intermediate object here? RubyObject artist = helper.callMethod(recording, "artist"); artist = (RubyObject) artist.getInstanceVariable("@target"); String artistName = (String) helper.getAttribute(artist, "name"); System.out.println(" " + recordingName + " by " + artistName); } } }

Here's the JRuby code in 2003recordings.jrb.

require "models" # $recordings is a Java ArrayList that is created in # and declared as a BSF bean. # This code populates it with Ruby Recoding objects. Recording.find_all_by_year(2003).sort.each do |r| $recordings << r end

To compile and run this code, the following JARs must be in the classpath.

To run this code, the following system properties must be set. When using Ant, these can be set with nested child elements of the java task that have the form <sysproperty key="{name}" value="{value}"/>.

The output from this code follows.

2003 Recordings Soviet Kitch by Regina Spektor Transatlanticism by Deathcab For Cutie

For more information on using ActiveRecord from JRuby, see here.

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